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HttpResponse Member List

This is the complete list of members for HttpResponse, including all inherited members.

body() constHttpMessageinline
CLIENT_ERROR enum valueHttpResponse
code() constHttpResponseinline
hasHeader(const String &name) constHttpMessage
header(const String &name) constHttpMessage
is(StatusType code) constHttpResponse
json() constHttpMessage
OK enum valueHttpResponse
ok() constHttpResponseinline
proto() constHttpResponseinline
protocol() constHttpMessageinline
put(const ByteArray &data)HttpMessage
put(const String &body)HttpMessageinline
put(const Var &data)HttpMessage
put(const File &file)HttpMessage
putFile(const String &path, int begin=0, int end=0)HttpMessage
REDIRECT enum valueHttpResponse
SERVER_ERROR enum valueHttpResponse
setHeader(const String &header, const String &value)HttpMessage
setProto(const String &p)HttpResponseinline
socketError() constHttpResponse
StatusType enum nameHttpResponse
text() constHttpMessage
write(const String &text)HttpMessage
write(const char *buffer, int n)HttpMessage
writeFile(const String &path, int begin=0, int end=0)HttpMessage