Complex< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T = double>
class asl::Complex< T >

Complex numbers.

This class name might change to match Vec2 and others (Complex_<T>, Complex, Complexd)

#include <Complex.h>

Public Member Functions

 Complex (T x)
 Creates a complex number from a real number (imaginary = 0)
 Complex (T r_, T i_)
 Creates a complex number given real and imaginary parts.
Complex exp_i (T t) const
 Returns *this * exp(i * x) where x is a real number.
angle () const
 Returns the argument (angle) of this number if polar form.
operator! () const
 Returns the magnitude this number.
magnitude () const
 Returns the magnitude this number.
magnitude2 () const
 Returns the magnitude this number squared.
Complex conj () const
 Returns the complex conjugate of this number.

Static Public Member Functions

static Complex polar (T m, T t)
 Creates a complex number in polar form given a modulus and argument (angle)


Complex exp_i (T t)
 Returns exp(i * x) where x is a real number.
Complex exp (const Complex &z)
 Returns exp(z) where z is a complex number.

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