No Matches
HashMap< K, T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class K, class T>
class asl::HashMap< K, T >

This class implements a hash map, an unordered map of keys to values.

It is similar to class Map but elements will not keep a defined order. There must be a global function hash(const K&) for the key type K (there is a default hash function that may fit). Inserting and finding elements is usually faster than in a Map. The class has reference counting as all containers.

constants["pi"] = 3.1415927;
float a = constants["pi"] * sqr(radius);
An Array is a contiguous and resizable array of any type of elements.
Definition Array.h:69
T sqr(T x)
Returns x squared.
Definition defs.h:193

The contents can be iterated with range-based for in C++11:

for(auto& e : constants)
cout << "Contstant " << *e.key << " has value: " << e.value << endl;

Or with the foreach2 macro loop in older compilers:

foreach2(String& name, float value, constants)
cout << "Contstant " << *name << " has value: " << value << endl;
String represents a character string that behaves similarly to JavaScript strings in that it can be c...
Definition String.h:126
#define foreach2(key, variable, set)
A for loop for associative containers resembling C++17 range-based for with structured binding.
Definition foreach1.h:72

#include <HashMap.h>

Public Member Functions

HashMap clone () const
 Returns an independent copy of this map.
void clear ()
 Clears the map removing all elements.
const Toperator[] (const K &key) const
 Returns a reference to the value associated to the given key, the key has to exist.
Toperator[] (const K &key)
 Returns a reference to the value associated to the given key, creating one if the key does not exist.
Tfind (const K &key)
 Returns a pointer to the element with key key or a null pointer if it is not found.
const Tget (const K &key, const T &def) const
 Returns the value for the given key or the value def if it is not found.
void remove (const K &key)
 Removes the given key.
bool has (const K &key) const
 Checks if the given key exists in the map.
int length () const
 Returns the number of elements in the map.
bool operator== (const HashMap &b) const
 Returns true if both maps are equal (equal keys and values)

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