No Matches
Set< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class asl::Set< T >

A set is a container of unique elements in any order.

The type of items must have a corresponding global hash() function.

numbers << 3 << -4 << 1 << 3; // number 3 (repeated) will only appear once in the set
if(numbers.contains(10)) -> false (10 is not in the set)
foreach(int x, numbers)
cout << x << endl;
An Array is a contiguous and resizable array of any type of elements.
Definition Array.h:69
bool contains(const T &x) const
Returns true if the array contains an element equal to x.
Definition Array.h:308
Set in(const Set &s) const
Returns the items from this set which also belong to another set.
Definition Set.h:156

You can perform operations between sets:

Set<int> even = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
Set<int> powers = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32};
Set<int> evenOrPower = even + powers; // -> {0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 32}
Set<int> evenNotPower = even - powers; // -> {0, 6, 10}
if(even.contains(powers)) // false, not all powers numbers are in the even set.
if(even.containsAny(powers)) // true, even numbers have (some) numbers from the powers set.

#include <Set.h>

Inherits MAP< T, int >.

Public Member Functions

Array< Tarray () const
 Returns the set items as an array.
Setoperator<< (const T &x)
 Adds an item to the set.
Setoperator<< (const Set &s)
 Adds all items in set s into this set.
bool operator== (const Set &s) const
 Returns true if both sets have the same items.
bool operator!= (const Set &s) const
 Returns true if both sets don't have the same items.
bool contains (const T &x) const
 Checks if this set contains a given item.
bool contains (const Set &s) const
 Checks if this set contains all items from another set.
bool containsAny (const Set &s) const
 Checks if this set contains at least one item from another set.
Set notIn (const Set &s) const
 Returns the items from this set which do not belong to another set.
Set in (const Set &s) const
 Returns the items from this set which also belong to another set.
Set operator& (const Set &s) const
 Returns the items from this set which also belong to another set (intersection)
Set operator- (const Set &s) const
 Returns the items from this set which do not belong to another set (subtraction)
Set operator+ (const Set &s) const
 Returns all items from this and another set (union)

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