No Matches
Var Class Reference

Detailed Description

A Var is a type that can hold a value of one of several types, similarly to a var in JavaScript.

Upon assignment to a number, string, bool, array or dic, it will take its value and type. If a Var is not initialized and operator var["string"] is used, it will be converted to a Dic and the given element returned. If operator var[int] is used on it, it will be converted to an array and the indexed element returned after an automatic resize to avoid overflow.

A Var can be constructed from a variable of type int, float, double, bool, String, Array or Dic, and will take its value and type. A default-constructed Var has type NONE.

Var z; // z.type() = NONE
Var a = 3; // a.type() = INT
Var b = 3.5; // b.type() = NUMBER
Var s = "x"; // s.type() = STRING
Var t = true; // t.type() = BOOL
Var n = Var::NUL; // n.type() = NUL
A Var is a type that can hold a value of one of several types, similarly to a var in JavaScript.
Definition Var.h:188

An array can be constructed from an existing Array<T> or by specifying its elements:

pair.resize(2); // pair.type() = ARRAY, pair.length() = 2
pair[0] = 1;
pair[1] = -2;
An Array is a contiguous and resizable array of any type of elements.
Definition Array.h:69
Array & resize(int m)
Resizes the array to m elements; up to m existing elements are preserved.
Definition Array.h:180

Arrays can also be created in one statement with one of these pseudo-literal syntaxes:

Var coords = array<Var>(10, 25, -1); // up to 6 elements
Var indices = (Var(), 1, 3, 0, 2, -1); // any number of elements (but is slower)
Var numbers = {1, 3, 9, -2}; // on C++11 compilers, for all same type elements
Var items = Var::array({1, "a", 9.5, -2}); // on C++11 compilers, for different types
Array< Var > array() const
Returns the internal Array if this var is an array.
Definition Var.h:315

An object can be constructed from an existing Dic<T> or by adding elements to a Var with var["key"]:

person["name"] = "John"; // person.type() = OBJ
person["age"] = 21;

Alternatively, objects can be created in one statement with a pseudo-literal syntax:

Var particle = Var("name", "particle1")
("x", 15.0)
("y", -1.25)
("visible", true)
("color", array<Var>(255, 0, 255));

Or in C++11:

{ "name", "particle1" },
{ "x", 15.0 },
{ "y", -1.25 },
{ "visible", true },
{ "color", {255, 0, 255} }

Any combination of the above can be used to create complex structured vars.

A var can be checked for its type with the is() function or whether it contains a given key (if it is a Map), or if it contains a given item (if it is an Array):

if( {...} // INTs are NUMBERs too!
if(particle.has("name")) {...} // particle is an OBJ and has a "name" property
if(particle.has("visible", Var::BOOL)) {...} // point is an OBJ and has a bool property named "visible"
if(indices.contains(3)) {...} // indices is an array and contains number 3
bool has(const String &k) const
Checks if this var is an object and has a property named k.
Definition Var.h:532
bool contains(const Var &x) const
Checks if this var is an array and contains an element with value x.
Definition Var.h:542
bool is(Type t) const
Checks if this var's type is t.
Definition Var.h:497


When a Var contains an array or an object, its elements or properties can be iterated.

Arrays can be iterated with foreach loops, or for(item : array) in C++11, or using array indexing and the length() method:

Var numbers = array<Var>(10.1, 25, -1, 3.4);
foreach(Var& x, numbers) // old way
for(auto& x : numbers) // since C++11
for(int i=0; i < numbers.length(); i++)
int length() const
Returns the length of this var if it is an array or a dic.

Object properties (keys and values) can be iterated with a foreach2 loop, or with range-based for in C++11/17 (but in this case don't forget to add .object()):

foreach2(String& key, Var& value, particle) // old way
printf("%s : %s\n", *key, *value.toString());
for(auto& e : particle.object()) // since C++11
printf("%s : %s\n", *e.key, *e.value.toString());
for(auto& [key, value] : particle.object()) // C++17
printf("%s : %s\n", *key, *value.toString());
String represents a character string that behaves similarly to JavaScript strings in that it can be c...
Definition String.h:126
Dic< Var > object() const
Returns the internal Dic if this var is an object.
Definition Var.h:310
#define foreach2(key, variable, set)
A for loop for associative containers resembling C++17 range-based for with structured binding.
Definition foreach1.h:72

Any Var can be converted to a String representation for example for printing on a console or to a file. This is done with the toString() method. For instance, the following:

printf("%s\n", *particle.toString());

will print the string:


For a better representation that can be parsed back into a Var, you can use XDL (Xdl::encode(var)) or JSON (Json::encode(var)).

#include <Var.h>

Public Member Functions

String string () const
 Returns a string representation of this var.
Type type () const
 Returns the internal type of this var.
Dic< Varobject () const
 Returns the internal Dic if this var is an object.
Array< Vararray () const
 Returns the internal Array if this var is an array.
 operator bool () const
 Returns the boolean value of this var (similar to JS conversion)
const charoperator* () const
 Returns a char pointer to the beginning of the string if this var is a string; this is faster than calling .toString() but will not stringify numbers or other types.
template<class T >
Var operator| (const T &v) const
 Returns the left value if it is defined or the right otherwise.
bool ok () const
 Returns true if this var has a value (its type is not NONE)
Varoperator, (const Var &x)
 Appends x to this var if this var is an array (useful for Var construction)
Varoperator<< (const Var &x)
 Appends x to this var if this var is an array.
template<class T >
Varoperator<< (const T &x)
 Appends x to this var if this var is an array.
Varextend (const Var &v)
 Adds keys and values from v to this var if it is an object, overwriting existing keys.
void resize (int n)
 Resizes this var to n elements if this var is an array, converting if it was NONE.
const Varoperator[] (int i) const
 Returns the element at index i if this var is an array.
Varoperator[] (int i)
 Returns the element at index i if this var is an array, resizing the array if i is out of bounds.
Varoperator[] (const String &key)
 Returns the property named key if this var is an object, creating it if it does not exist.
const Varoperator[] (const String &key) const
 Returns the property named key if this var is an object.
Var operator() (const String &key) const
 Returns a copy of the property named key if this var is an object, and never modifies the object.
Vargetp (const String &key)
 Gets a pointer to the property named key if it exists or a null pointer otherwise.
template<class T >
Varoperator() (const char *key, const T &v)
 Sets the value of property key of this var to v (Useful for Var construction)
Varoperator[] (const char *key)
 Returns the property named key if this var is an object.
const Varoperator[] (const char *key) const
 Returns the property named key if this var is an object.
int length () const
 Returns the length of this var if it is an array or a dic.
bool operator== (const Var &other) const
 Evaluates equality of type and value of two vars.
bool is (Type t) const
 Checks if this var's type is t.
bool isArrayOf (Type t) const
 Returns true if this var is an array and all its items have type t
bool isArrayOf (int n, Type t) const
 Returns true if this var is an array of n items and all its items have type t
bool is (const char *clas) const
 Checks if this var is an object of class clas.
bool has (const String &k) const
 Checks if this var is an object and has a property named k.
bool has (const String &k, Type t) const
 Checks if this var is an object and has a property named k of type t.
bool contains (const Var &x) const
 Checks if this var is an array and contains an element with value x.
void clear ()
 Clears the contents if this var is an array or an object.
void remove (const String &k)
 Removes the property named k, if this var is an object.
void removeAt (int i, int n=1)
 Removes one or more items, starting at the given index, if this is an array.
Var clone () const
 Returns an independent copy of this Var (for arrays and objects)
const Enumerator all () const
 Returns an enumerator for this var's contents.

Static Public Member Functions

static Var array (std::initializer_list< Var > b)
 Constructs an array with an initializer list.

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