No Matches
Xml Class Reference

Detailed Description

This class represents an XML element and can be used to manipulate a document DOM tree.

The class allows accessing the element's tag, attributes and child elements.

Consider the following XML fragment.

<meta charset="utf8"/>
<meta name="author" content="John Doe"/>
<p class="main">world</p>


This can be parsed from a string or read from a file:

Xml html = Xml::decode(xml); // from a string
Xml html = Xml::read("document.xml"); // from a file
An Array is a contiguous and resizable array of any type of elements.
Definition Array.h:69
This class represents an XML element and can be used to manipulate a document DOM tree.
Definition Xml.h:247
static Xml read(const String &file)
Reads and decodes a file as XML and returns its root element.
static Xml decode(const String &xml)
Parses the given string as XML and returns the equivalent DOM tree.

The content can be accessed easily using operator () for tags and [] for attributes. For example, the charset attribute in the <meta> element can be read with:

String charset = html("head")("meta")["charset"]; // -> "utf8"
String represents a character string that behaves similarly to JavaScript strings in that it can be c...
Definition String.h:126
  • element("tag") returns the first child of element that has the given tag
  • element("tag", 3) would return the 4th child with that tag
  • element["attr"] returns the value of the attribute attr.

The text content of the <h1> element would be retrieved like this:

String text = html("body")("h1").text(); // -> "Hello"
const String & text() const
Returns the text content of this element (the first child text element).
Definition Xml.h:614

That text content of an element can be written with .pu():

html("body").put("h1", "Bye"); // now it's <h1>Bye</h1>

We can iterate the children of the <body> element like this:

Xml body = html("body");
for(auto& e : body.children())
e.setAttr("tag", e.tag()); // add an attribute with the tag name
const Array< Xml > & children() const
Returns this element's children elements.
Definition Xml.h:547

Or only the children with a given tag:

for(auto& meta : html("head").children("meta"))
addMeta(meta["name"], meta["content"]);

Elements of the tree can be searched using selectors in the form of lambda predicates. For example, this will return all the embedded PNG images (<img> elements with an src attribute ending in ".png").

auto elems = html.find([](const Xml& e) {
return e.tag() == "img" && e["src"].endsWith(".png");
const String & tag() const
Returns the tag of this element.
Definition Xml.h:344


The same example XML document DOM can be built in code:

Xml html = Xml("html")
<< (Xml("head")
<< Xml("meta", Map<>("charset", "utf8"))
<< Xml("meta", Map<>("name", "author")("content", "John Doe"))
<< (Xml("body")
<< Xml("h1", "Hello")
<< Xml("p", Map<>("class", "main"), "world")

Or in newer compilers (with initializer lists):

Xml html("html", {
Xml("head", {
Xml("meta", {{"charset", "utf8"}}),
Xml("meta", {{"name", "author"}, {"content", "John Doe"}})
Xml("body", {
Xml("h1", "Hello"),
Xml("p", {{"class", "main"}}, "world")

And the original XML formatted document can be written like this:

String xml = Xml::encode(html); // to a string
Xml::write(html, "document.xml"); // to a file
static bool write(const Xml &e, const String &file)
Writes an XML document to a file.
static String encode(const Xml &e, bool formatted=true)
Encodes the given XML document as XML, with or without formatting.

#include <Xml.h>

Inherits NodeBase.

Inherited by XmlText.

Public Member Functions

 Xml (const String &tag)
 Constructs an element with the given tag.
 Xml (const String &tag, const Map<> &attrs)
 Constructs an element with the given tag and attributes.
 Xml (const String &tag, const String &val)
 Constructs an element with the given tag and value (text subelement).
 Xml (const String &tag, const Map<> &attrs, const String &val)
 Constructs an element with the given tag, attributes and value (text subelement).
Xml clone (bool detach=true) const
 Returns a separate copy of this element with its children, and no parent.
void setTag (const String &tag)
 Changes the tag name of this element.
Xml parent () const
 Returns the parent element of this element (a null Xml object if it this is the root)
const Stringtag () const
 Returns the tag of this element.
Mapattribs ()
 Returns the element's attributes.
Xml operator() (const String &tag, int i=0) const
 Returns the i-th child element with the given tag.
template<class F >
void traverse (const F &f)
 Traverses all sub elements and executes the given function.
template<class F >
Array< Xmlfind (const F &pred) const
 Searches recursively and returns all sub elements that satisfy a condition given as a predicate.
template<class F >
Xml findOne (const F &pred) const
 Searches recursively and returns the first sub element that satisfies a condition given as a predicate.
int count (const String &tag) const
 Returns the number of children with the given tag.
void remove (int i)
 Removes the i-th child element.
void remove (const Xml &e)
 Removes the element e if it is a child of this element.
void insert (int i, const Xml &e)
 Inserts an element at position i as a child.
const Stringoperator[] (const String &a) const
 Returns the value of an attribute.
void setAttr (const String &attr, const String &val)
 Sets the value of an attribute.
bool has (const String &attr) const
 Returns true if the given attribute exists.
void removeAttr (const String &attr)
 Removes the given attribute.
Xmlput (const String &value)
 Sets the content of this element to the given text value.
Xmlset (const String &value)
 Sets the content of this element to the given text value.
Xmlput (const String &name, const String &val)
 Sets the content of a named subelement creating it if it does not exist.
Xmlset (const String &name, const String &val)
 Sets the content of a named subelement creating it if it does not exist.
void clear ()
 Removes all children.
Xmloperator<< (const Xml &e)
 Appends an element as a child.
Xmloperator<< (const String &text)
 Appends a text element as a child, or appends to the text if the last child is already a text element.
const Array< Xml > & children () const
 Returns this element's children elements.
ChildrenEnumerator children (const String &tag)
 Returns an enumerator of the children elements with the given tag.
int numChildren () const
 Returns the number of child elements.
Xmlchild (int i)
 Returns the i-th child element.
bool isText () const
 Returns true if this is a text element.
const Stringtext () const
 Returns the text content of this element (the first child text element).
template<class T >
T value (T deflt=T()) const
 Returns the trimmed content of this element converted to a given type; As in elem.value<int>()

Static Public Member Functions

static Xml read (const String &file)
 Reads and decodes a file as XML and returns its root element.
static bool write (const Xml &e, const String &file)
 Writes an XML document to a file.
static bool write (const String &file, const Xml &e)
 Writes an XML document to a file.
static Xml decode (const String &xml)
 Parses the given string as XML and returns the equivalent DOM tree.
static String encode (const Xml &e, bool formatted=true)
 Encodes the given XML document as XML, with or without formatting.

Member Function Documentation

◆ set() [1/2]

Xml & set ( const String name,
const String val 

Sets the content of a named subelement creating it if it does not exist.

Use put(), set() will probably set an attribute in the future

◆ set() [2/2]

Xml & set ( const String value)

Sets the content of this element to the given text value.

Use put()

◆ write()

static bool write ( const String file,
const Xml e 

Writes an XML document to a file.

Use Xml::write(xml, file)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: